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Read In an Antique Land Novel Online

In an Antique Land


Read In an Antique Land Novel Online

In An Antique Land is an English language novel.It is an ethnography written in narrative form by the Indian writer Amitav Ghosh.The book contains two narratives. The first, an anthropological narrative, revolves around two visits made by Ghosh to two villages in the Nile Delta, while he was writing his doctoral dissertation (1980–81) and again a few years later (1988). In the second narrative, presented parallel to the first one in the book, Ghosh constructs a fictionalized history of a 12th century Jewish merchant, Abraham Ben Yiju, and his slaves Ashu and Bomma, using documents from the Cairo Geniza.

Novel Detail

Publisher:Not Available
Author:Amitav Ghosh
Characters:Jewish merchant, Abraham Ben Yiju, and his slaves Ashu and Bomma

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